19.7.2021 — What keeps us amazed about teamwork is, that while there are some magnificent teams, so many are not even adequate. This is observable especially in large organizations. How could we get the fundamentals correct so that the majority of people would perform at their potential?
We have distilled for you what is essential in creating great collaboration and performance.
Here you have the video recording of the Meetup, the slides, and the list of content:
The leading team skills apply to leading communities, projects, or larger organizations like a LeSS requirement area. There is a small example of leading the coaching community at our XP2020 talk https://www.gosei.fi/blog/xp2020/ Here you have the direct link to the video at the exact time https://youtu.be/Mp8QHuKN2hA?t=1374
There will be more about changing the organization in our Cure for Coordination Chaos videos https://coordinationchaos.com
Thanks for the participants spending this hour of their precious Saturday with us.
Before finding Agile, Ari built software for embedded distributed fault tolerant software for seven years. For the next decade he worked as an organizational therapist with cultural change, teamwork and leadership. Since 2006 he has contributed to LeSS-flavoured Agile transformations including mechanical engineering, market automation, and embedded system development. For the last couple of years Ari had international coaching assignments ranging from teams to board.