We help our clients to reach productivity and resilience through teamwork-based organizational design, participative change management, team cohesion, and effective continuous improvement.
Create great collaboration and performance in teams, teams-of-teams, across silos, projects, and communities. It is like magic when you see it happening.
Outlearn your competition by collaboration, adaptability, and optimizing for the end result.
Create a better understanding of your organization than anyone else. Otherwise, someone else will dictate your future.
7.6.2024 — Build the culture of Trust, Care, and Love for the shared mental and physical space.
11.2.2022 — Teamwork is the antidote for bureaucracy. But if you just remove bureaucracy you get chaos. What is missing?
27.4.2023 — Matrix organization has well-known problems. Combining Back-Front and Modular organization designs gives you options for creating adaptive organization, productive teamwork, and market focus.
21.10.2022 — Dreaming-thinking-doing is the natural process of doing anything, in small and large scale.
23.1.2023 — The consequential goal is an absolutely necessary condition for teamwork: We did something, does it work, is it useful. This creates special expectations towards the leadership in creative work like theatrical performance or visual design.
9.9.2023 — Time to retire this dangerously misleading picture! It incorrectly presents teamwork as an optional luxury, hopefully achieved after a slump in performance.
5.10.2022 — We had an intensive Meetup about Teamwork at Flixbus office in Berlin. Here you have the slides and special material about rewarding and intrinsic motivation as discussed.
1.8.2015 — There are two very different strategies in adopting Agile in a large organisation, horizontal or vertical. In other words, you may take one product first with narrow and deep focus. Or you may focus on the vertical coordination layer, which is often perceived as The Scaling Problem.
24.7.2015 — A new network gateway was developed from clean table in half the time. The work started with two teams and in the end there were over 20 distributed teams. LeSS principles were used all the time.