Ari Tikka

Ari Tikka
Founding Partner

Before finding Agile, Ari built software for embedded distributed fault tolerant software for seven years. For the next decade he worked as an organizational therapist with cultural change, teamwork and leadership. Since 2006 he has contributed to LeSS-flavoured Agile transformations including mechanical engineering, market automation, and embedded system development. For the last couple of years Ari had international coaching assignments ranging from teams to board.

Forget Katzenbach's Team Performance Curve

Time to retire this dangerously misleading picture! It incorrectly presents teamwork as an optional luxury, hopefully achieved after a slump in performance.

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Forming, Storming, Dreaming, Performing

Tuckman's orming is an interesting theory but not useful for practical coaching. Knowing how and why things really happen gives tools for concrete interventions.

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Solving shared assets (SW+HW) development with Floating Platform Teams (FPTe)

Designing an organization that develops shared assets (SW+HW) that are used across several business units is problem many managers face. In this post, we highlight some of the main issues, provide new viewpoints on the design challenges, and present a unique solution to this problem.

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Design an Adaptive Team-based Organization

Matrix organization has well-known problems. Combining Back-Front and Modular organization designs gives you options for creating adaptive organization, productive teamwork, and market focus.

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Leading creative teams

The consequential goal is an absolutely necessary condition for teamwork: We did something, does it work, is it useful. This creates special expectations towards the leadership in creative work like theatrical performance or visual design.

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Others Dream, others Think, others Do

Separating Dreaming, Thinking, and Doing is the deadly sin of large organizations. It will lead to Coordination Chaos: fragmentation, waste, and underperformance.

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Teamwork and rewarding

We had an intensive Meetup about Teamwork at Flixbus office in Berlin. Here you have the slides and special material about rewarding and intrinsic motivation as discussed.

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Why not Teamwork

25 people spent 2.5 hours exploring together "Why not teamwork".

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