
Ari Tikka
Ari Tikka
Founding Partner

Effective Teamwork at NYC LeSS Meetup

What keeps us amazed about teamwork is, that while there are some magnificent teams, so many are not even adequate. This is observable especially in large organizations. How could we get the fundamentals correct so that the majority of people would perform at their potential?

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Ari Tikka
Ari Tikka
Founding Partner

Effective Teamwork in Practice

Teamwork, great collaboration and performance, is rare. Don't waste your effort in random team building before understanding the internal and external fundamentals.

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Ari Tikka
Ari Tikka
Founding Partner
Ran Nyman
Ran Nyman
Founding Partner
Ari Tikka
Ari Tikka
Founding Partner
Ran Nyman
Ran Nyman
Founding Partner

Actionable Fearless Leadership

Our research in Agile Leadership has been maturing from conference presentations to robust workshops, where participants experience the logic behind Scaling Agility.

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Ari Tikka
Ari Tikka
Founding Partner
Ari Tikka
Ari Tikka
Founding Partner

Organizations learn like horses

Individuals are intelligent. Organisations are not, they are adaptive, just like horses. Organisations learn from reality, not from imagination.

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Ari Tikka
Ari Tikka
Founding Partner

Everyone has a limited Container

Understanding the emotional container is essential for not only therapists and parents, but all leaders, coaches and senior colleagues.

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